The newest addition to the Clubhouse, the two-level Patio on the Hill opened in 2017. A gently-sloped curved pathway connects the upper and lower levels of the Patio. On the second floor of the Clubhouse, the upper level of the Patio on the Hill provides an outdoor extension of the Formal Banquet Room to the west. The Patio offers an outdoor event space with optional coverage from three 20-foot by 20-foot tents.
The lower level of the Patio connects to the Golf Shop Patio on the ground floor and serves as a popular outdoor hang-out for Members and their guests to drink, dine, and socialize throughout the day. Complete with resort-style lounge seating, tables with umbrellas, fire pits, and water-features, the Patio overlooks the breathtaking view of the ninth and eighteenth greens.
In order to accommodate the new outdoor space that members had desired, a century-old walnut tree that stood next to the Clubhouse had to be removed. On the Patio today, you can find a communal table with stools that were crafted from that very walnut tree, along with a commemorative tribute plaque.
The Patio on the Hill has provided a place for Members and their guests to grab a drink on a breezy afternoon, gather for an outdoor summer concert under the stars, and warm up by the fire pits on a cool fall evening.